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atmospheric correction中文是什么意思

用"atmospheric correction"造句"atmospheric correction"怎么读"atmospheric correction" in a sentence


  • 大气改正(又称“气象改正”)
  • 大气改正,*气象改正
  • 大气修正
  • 气象改正


  • A feasible method on atmospheric correction to channel 1 and 2 for modis
  • Because the atmospheric correction algorithms of ocean color satellite are not so developed and the marine optical properties not so clearly known , ocean color sensing of case ii water is not successful in world range
  • The possibility of the atmospheric correction to the displacement measurements at the international gps service ( igs ) stations is discussed . in chapter 5 , using the mathematic theory of statistics , the errors of the convolution technique , u
  • The primary aim of this study is to provide some basic information to the atmospheric correction for 94 ghz cloud radar . the atmospheric attenuation at 37 and 94 ghz have been calculated and analyzed in different cloudy atmospheres
  • We also did some work on atmospheric correction and ocean color sensing of chinese xiamen sea area . the atmospheric correction results of aerosol parameters are quite precise to the values gotten by measurements and a primary success on ocean color sensing is also made
  • Based on the response theory of an elastic earth to surface loads and the model of the standard atmosphere , the characteristics of changes in the loading effects with time , space and frequency are comprehensively investigated in this dissertation . the numerical results obtained in this study can provide accurate atmospheric correction models for high - precision continuous measurements of the geophysical fields such as gravity , tilt , displacement and strain on the earth ' s surface
  • Radiative transfer model in the atmosphere - ocean system is completed in this paper by connecting three - component model of ocean color with radiative transfer theory . and a new atmospheric correction algorithm of ocean color satellite for case ii water is then developed based on this radiative transfer model . we can determine the aerosol parameters and the concentrations of three marine components simultaneously by this algorithm
    本文将水色三分量模型有效地利用到海水中的辐射传输过程中,再将大气和海水中的辐射传输有机地结合起来,建立一种较为先进的“大气?海洋系统辐射传输模型” ,再利用建立的模型发展了一种新的可适用于二类水体的水色卫星大气校正方法,用这种大气校正方法可以同时反演大气气溶胶参数和水色要素的浓度值。
用"atmospheric correction"造句  



Atmospheric correction is the process of removing the effects of the atmosphere on the reflectance values of images taken by satellite or airborne sensors. There are bidirectional and empirical models for doing atmospheric correction on an image.
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